Vision Statement

Triple R Ministries is a faith-based, non-profit organization existing to provide children and young adults alike a structured and secure place of refuge to grow in character, discipline, work ethic, and spiritual maturity (Psalm 91:2).

Triple R Ministries believes that God focuses on the heart (1 Sam. 16:7) and will prioritize reaching the hearts of youths for Christ while teaching them skills to lead godly lives, become productive members of society, and make a positive impact on this world, with no discrimination toward their history or circumstances. 


Triple R Ministries is a faith-based, non-profit organization existing to provide children and young adults alike a structured and secure place of refuge to grow in character, discipline, work ethic, and spiritual maturity (Psalm 91:2).

Triple R Ministries believes that God focuses on the heart (1 Sam. 16:7) and will prioritize reaching the hearts of youths for Christ while teaching them skills to lead godly lives, become productive members of society, and make a positive impact on this world, with no discrimination toward their history or circumstances. 

Triple R Ministries envisions using loving home environments, structured living, daily biblical studies, disciplined stewardship of land and animals that God has provided, and individual responsibilities to build godly character. We have partnered with other ministries to promote these goals, such as our partnership with SWAN Aviation. This partnership will facilitate supporting missionary aviation as well as opportunities for the youth to work on real planes with hands on instruction about aviation mechanics. 

Each Home on the Ranch will provide a loving home environment to teach, direct, and care for children with the focus of the Statement of Faith and following the principles established herein. The individual homes are envisioned to utilize the Ranch setting, whenever available, to further train and disciple the children they welcome to their homes. This may be using the animals and ranch responsibilities as motivation as well as a way of building character, self-esteem, and godly stewardship. It is envisioned that this will lead to better relationships, work ethics, and ultimately, better futures. 

The Triple R Ranch will work in conjunction with the parents of each individual home on the Ranch and other similar homes regardless of location; to also provide a loving home environment; teaching, directing and caring for youth with the focus of the Statement of Faith and following the principles established herein.

The Triple R Ranch is envisioned to utilize the Ranch setting giving primary stewardship to the families and youth residing on the Ranch using animals, farming, and other agricultural resources and responsibilities both as motivation and as a way of building character, self-esteem, and godly stewardship. It is hoped that this will lead to better relationships, work ethic, and ultimately, better futures. 

Transitional homes or housing in the ranch setting is envisioned to allow for young adults to continue to support the ranch while developing their vocational skills, and advancing their educational goals. This transitional program would follow the same fundamental guidelines with the understanding that as adults, the residents must be given the opportunity to begin making their own decisions in life and learning to take ownership of the consequences of those decisions.

Our desire is to see all children, youth, and young adults who come to TRM leave better than when they arrived, as we believe that all children and youth have the potential for greatness when guided by biblical principles in the love of Christ and as true disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.

It is our sincere hope that children, youth, and young adults living at any location of TRM will eventually enter society with the knowledge, confidence, and a relationship with the Lord that will guide them to lead godly lives, and in the future, godly homes. Our prayer is that no child or youth will leave without experiencing a life-changing moment with Jesus Christ (Romans 10:8-10). 

We sincerely believe that God will send those He chooses and that we have a responsibility to prayerfully consider every applicant so as to be directed by the Lord and not by human reason or worldly standards. Everyone who lives and works at Triple R needs to have been sent by God, and we must ultimately give Him the glory for all that Triple R is and becomes, as He leads us now and in the future.